Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 147 in total

Positioning Yourself for Favor | HEROES

Today we take a look at Joshua's courageous venture into the unknown of the Promised Land, and what characteristics positioned them to receive God's favor there.Every ...

Caleb's Response to Hopelessness | HEROES

When Israel was tasked with reporting back on the promised land, Caleb countered the other spies' hopeless reports as a true leader would.Every Monday our church relea...

Saying Yes Like Gideon | HEROES

Your victory is in your yes!Every Monday our church releases new messages and other content to teach, challenge, and encourage our church family! The Bridge Community ...

Faith Like Abraham | HEROES

In this new series on Old Testament Heroes of the Faith, we look at Abraham's life and how to have a faith like his.Every Monday our church releases new messages and o...

Faith in the Face of Intellectualism | ACTS WEEK 7

In Acts 17, Paul stands up among the philosophers of Athens and makes a case for God.Every Monday our church releases new messages and other content to teach, challeng...

Fatherhood According to Jesus

From the 109 times John uses the word "father/Father" in his gospel, we gain a picture of what Godly fatherhood means according to Jesus.Every Monday our church releas...

A Woman, a Slave, a Gentile | ACTS WEEK 6

Through a series of conversion stories, the apostle Luke stood in opposition of the traditional Jewish male prayer - "God I thank you that I'm not a woman, a slave, or...

Following Christ in Rome | ACTS WEEK 5

Everything about ancient Rome was ethically in opposition to the Christian faith. Yet, the church grew exponentially under its oppression. Today, Pastor Greg unpacks h...

Growing Little by Little | ACTS WEEK 4

God worked to grow Peter little by little in the Holy Spirit, and wants to do the same in us!Every Monday our church releases new messages and other content to teach, ...

The Fire of God in You | ACTS WEEK 3

Every Monday our church releases new messages and other content to teach, challenge, and encourage our church family! The Bridge Community church is based in Warrenton...

Women of Influence | Lisa Hackett

Today we look at 4 women of influence from the Bible and examine their lives of obedience, faith, trust and worship! Happy Mother's Day!Every Monday our church release...

Why Pray? | ACTS WEEK 2

It's easy to understand the WHAT of Christianity - the commandments - the things we are asked to do. But without a compelling WHY, the WHAT will never be sustained. Th...

How Jesus Described the Holy Spirit | ACTS WEEK 1

In a world swirling with theological opinions, we look today at what Jesus himself said about the Holy Spirit.JOIN A GROUPhttps://bridge4life.com/groups/Every Monday o...

Cultivating Faith in a Spiritually-Resistant Culture | Greg Hackett

No matter the context of your life, developing your faith is what God requires!GROUPShttps://bridge4life.com/groups/Every Monday our church releases new messages and o...

Agape Love | Lisa Hackett

Today, Pastor Lisa shares with us about the kind of love that Jesus wants from His followers. Click below to browse through our many connection group opportunities!GRO...

Persistently Ask | Growing in Faith & Truth Week 10

The Scripture shows that the Holy Spirit's new activity started after the Resurrection, and continues today! Jesus tells us to persistently ask for more of the Holy Sp...

Easter Sunday | Growing in Faith & Truth

God is in the details! We hope this Easter message encourages you today!Every Monday our church releases new messages and other content to teach, challenge, and encour...

There is More to the Story | Growing in Faith & Truth Week 8

When we look at the prophecies leading up to Jesus entering Jerusalem, we see that with God, there is always more to the story!Every Monday our church releases new mes...

Emotionally Healthy Faith | Growing in Faith & Truth Week 7

"Jesus wept" is the shortest verse in the Bible, but one of the most interesting to study! Today we learn about God's emotions and ours, and how to have an emotionally...

Sight for the Blind | Growing in Faith & Truth Week 6

In the passage of Jesus healing the man blind from birth, we can learn how that same spiritual sight for the blind is available to each one of us through Him.Every Mon...

You Have to Eat the Bread | Growing in Faith & Truth Week 5

Today we look at one of Jesus' "I Am" statements - "I am the Bread of Life." You can study it, talk about it - maybe even smell its sweet aroma - but eventually you ha...

How to Feed the 5,000 | Growing in Faith & Truth Week 4

In looking at a familiar passage (the feeding of the 5,000), we can have insight on how to partner with the miraculous activity that God has already begun!Every Monday...

The Purpose of Miracles | Growing in Faith & Truth Week 3

Through looking at the story of Jesus healing the invalid, we can learn many truths about the purpose of miracles that go beyond the act itself.Every Monday our church...

God Can Use You | Growing in Faith & Truth Week 2

Through the Holy Spirit's empowerment, God can use you to pierce culture with the gospel!Every Monday our church releases new messages and other content to teach, chal...

Where Miracles Happen | Growing in Faith & Truth Week 1

This new series starts off with the story of Jesus turning water into wine and use it as a foundation for understanding when and where miracles happen!Every Monday our...

Living Like Jesus | Intentional Faith Week 5

Pastor Greg concludes this series by exploring Jesus' command to "give up everything" in Luke 14:33.Every Monday our church releases new messages and other content to ...

You Need to Do Well | Intentional Faith Week 4

"Being salt" means you thriving as a person in this world for God's purposes!Every Monday our church releases new messages and other content to teach, challenge, and e...

Jesus Reorders Your Life | Intentional Faith Week 3

When your commit to being DISCIPLED by Christ, you will find that over time Jesus reorders your life in 5 distinct ways.Every Monday our church releases new messages a...

Disciples Gather | Intentional Faith Week 2

Pastor Lisa breaks down why we meet together as a church for Sunday Services AND Connection Groups. Every Monday our church releases new messages and other content to ...

The Life of a Disciple | Intentional Faith Week 1

As we start the new year, it's important to pause and recalibrate our lives around what the life of a disciple of Jesus ought to look like biblically. Every Monday our...

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